Scripps 研究 building on the 木星 campus


Students have access to intern in world-class research labs and contribute to new discoveries in neuroscience, 海洋生物学, 或者癌症研究. 自然指数 ranked Max Planck Society and Scripps 研究 as the world’s top two stand-alone scientific institutes for biomedical research in 2019. 事实上, 能力’s 木星 campus is the only place where two quality research institutions are co-located. 自然指数, the definitive ranking source for research institutions, based these results on high impact papers and yearly growth over the past five years.  还有KU体育官网APP, 尼康卓越中心, these three institutions form an unparalleled research campus for biomedical research. Aspiring marine biologists can intern at 能力's nearby 海洋研究所港湾分所. Students have unprecedented access to working with world-class research scientists.

Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience (MPFI)

是著名的马克斯·普朗克学会的成员, MPFI is the first and only institute of its kind in North America, 提供一个充满活力的, interactive environment where scientists are provided substantial ongoing support that empowers them to take on high-risk projects that act as a catalyst for highly-rewarding innovations. At MPFI, research is focused on the organization and function of neural circuits. MPFI scientists investigate fundamental aspects of these critical networks within the brain and develop new technologies that make groundbreaking discoveries possible. MPFI is home to many 能力 graduate and undergraduate trainees and outstanding core facilities shared by 能力 neuroscientists. MPFI contribute to the training faculty for students who opt for a graduate degree through the IBNS program. Some of the opportunities offered at MPFI include:


斯克里普斯研究所(TSRI), 在拉霍亚有校区, 在木星上, FL campus housing 能力 and MPFI research laboratories, is a nonprofit research institute that supports the research of nearly 3,000名科学家. The SRI installation in 木星 is home to multiple departments, including the Department of Neuroscience which is focused on understanding how the brain works and what goes wrong in the many disorders that affect brain function. TSRI scientists are also heavily engaged in translating basic research discoveries into therapeutics through drug discovery efforts that can help improve the cognitive impairments associated with aging and the many psychiatric and neurological conditions that alter memory including Alzheimer’s disease, 精神分裂症, 双相情感障碍, 自闭症, 焦虑和抑郁. Scientists at TSRI co-mentor students who enter through the Graduate Neuroscience 培训 Program and are co-mentored by IBNS faculty. TSRI faculty engage in many research collaborations with 能力 neuroscientists and serve on IBNS thesis committees. 优秀的核心设施, 比如DNA/RNA测序, 蛋白质组学, 行为和代谢表型, and drug discovery are open to 能力 neuroscientists and their trainees. Some of the opportunities offered at Scripps Florida include:


KU体育官网APP’s 海洋研究所港湾分所 is located in Fort Pierce on the Atlantic Coast. As one of the nation’s premier oceanographic centers, 能力 港分公司's research community of approximately 200 ocean scientists, staff and students drives innovation in: marine science and engineering; conservation of coral reefs, studies of marine mammals and fisheries; marine drug discovery; estuarine and coastal ecology and observation; ocean dynamics and modeling; aquaculture and marine science education. 港分公司 engages with the community through the Ocean Discovery Visitor’s Center and the Ocean Science Lecture Series. 港分公司’s research and outreach programs translate marine science in order to provide solutions that improve economies and quality of life for coastal communities.  Some of the opportunities offered at 港分公司 include: